Hintergrund Hauptseite

Team Conductor

Next generation club management platform

Our club platform eases your life

Online platform for all tasks in your club. Easily manage your members, the communication, finances and events. Everywhere.

Get our Android app from Google Play

Get our iOS app from
the App Store

Use it in your Browser. It's so simple.

Modul Personen

People and Groups

Manage your members and any other people you like.

Organise then in various groups and let us help you with our template groups to get started even faster.

Import your people, addresses and groups using our easy CSV, Excel or VCard import.

Create lists from your data and export to Excel, PDF or VCard.

Do you need to save additional information? Your flexible custom fields are the way to go!

Privacy and data protection are very important. The GDPR is a good thing. We help you with a member specific report, which you can extends with information from your other system.


Keep your finances tracked by using our accounting features.

Create various categories and assign them to your statements to get an even better overview, where your money goes.

A statement can be assigned to a person as well. Using this you can keep track of your membership fees and donations per person.

Categories and accounts calculate yearly reports and soon also create usefull charts.

Existing statements can be imported from CSV or Excel files.

You can export everything to Excel or PDF files of course.

Events and calendars

Attendees with a Team Conductor account will see their upcoming events in their personal dashboard and can excuse themself quick and easy.

Send your attendees personal email with their events containing links to directly confirm or deny their attendance.

You do want to know, who is attending a event? You can add people to be notified a few hours before a event. The email contains every excused attendee and the numbers of attendees.

After the event started you can check who has attended and who missed the event.

It's also possible to create calendars and add event to them. These calendars can be shared and subscribed by your members.

Calendars have a special features allowing you to create rankings based on how often a person has attended. It's like a soccer result in which you see the attendees last rank and the trend to the current one.

A club can decide to show a attendee's rank in the personal dashboard. So she is able to keep track of her attendance.

Kommunikation mit SMS

Communication: SMS

Nowadays we use messenger apps like Whatsapp, Threema all the time but what about people who dont use these or don't have a smartphone. If you want to reach all you members, SMS is still the best option.

Using our Android app it is possible to send SMS to all your members. We simply use your mobile contract SMS volume to send the message. Therefore no additional costs arise and if one's volume limit is reach let another person send the SMS.

You can prepare your SMS message on the desktop browser and assign it to friend with a Android phone only for sending or simply do it yourself.

Modul Kommunikation - Umfragen - Fragen

Communication: Survey

The primary goal of surveys are a easy way to ask your members about their opinion, organise trips, rehersal days, parties.

Surveys can be open for a limited time period.

Create multiple questions and structure them in question groups.

Add your people to be survey attendees and send them personal and unique links to their questionaire. This will garantee that your members need not have a Team Conductor account to attend your survey.

Respondents are able to change their answers, while the survey is open for answering.

You can export your survey to a nice Excel report including all questions, respondents and their answers.

Schreibmaschine als Symbol für SMS und Briefe

Communication: Letter

Nowadays modern communication have nearly replaced letters but not all. So for someone who only once a year creates letters it is especially important to have a easy solution at hand.

Using TC you only need your text and addresses of your recipients and we create DIN 5008 letters in seconds. These letters contain your club logo and fit perfectly in a standard DL envelope.

Modul Kommunikation - E-Mail

Communication: Email

Communicate with all your members using emails.

Create personalised emails using placeholders, which are replaced with data from your recipients while sending. You can even use custom fields as placeholders.

We improve your emails using advance techniques and therefore reducing the chance your email will be marked as spam.

Did you ever get a cryptic error message that your email could not be delivered? Using our transactional email service you get simple error messages and see at once how many recipients did not get your email.

Important note: Team Conductor's email service is not a email markting tool and must not be used as such.

  1. Let's get started

    Please signup using Email, Facebook or Google for free

  2. Create your own club

    Choose "Create club" from the menu, enter a name and if you tell us the kind of your club we will help you getting start much faster.

  3. Test 90 days for free

    Try everything for 90 days without costs. After that we will present a subscription, which fits your needs.


General features

User Interface (UI)

Use our simple yet powerful UI currently available in English and German. See dates, currencies and timezone adapt to your settings.

Desktop and mobile

Team Conductor was designed to look and feel great on both mobile phones and desktop computers with larger screens and a keyboard.

Personal dashboard

For every user we collect the most important data of all clubs. You might see your upcoming events, surveys or your placing in a ranking.

Roles and Permissions

Every module provides its permissions, so you can create roles specific for their needs.



Use the way you like the most to login into our services. Create your account with your email and password or use a Facebook or Google account.

Bring colors to the world

Do you want to have more colors in your life. No problem! You can change the colors of various parts of the interface. There are no limits for your creativity. Please share your creation to our Facebook page #iusetc

Multiple clubs

Each user can be connected to multiple clubs and can always create a new one.

Browser support

Supported browser are: Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IOS Safari 9+, Android Chrome 4+. Team Conductor is a modern app and has its best user experience on modern browsers.